The effective use of body language plays a key role in communication. Here are ten tips for powerful body language :
First, to change your body language you must be aware of your body language. Notice how you sit, how you stand, how you use you hands and legs, what you do while talking to someone. You will get a lot of information about your body language.
Positive body
- Show confidence through your body movement and position. Sit up straight, smile, and show that you are in control of yourself and confident in what you’re saying. When you slump in your chair or lean against the wall, you look tired.
- Listen what others are saying and look like you’re listening. Don’t multitask while people are speaking. Avoid the temptation to check your text messages, check your watch, or check out how the others are reacting. Instead, focus on those who are speaking by turning your head to face them directly and by making eye contact. It’s important to hear people and it is also important to make sure they know you are listening.
- Don’t be restless and try to avoid restless movement and nervous ticks such as shaking your leg or tapping your fingers against the table rapidly. You’ll seem nervous and fidgeting can be a distracting when you try to get something across. Try to relax, slow down and focus your movements.
- Slow down a bit. Not only will you come across as more calm and confident. It will also help calm you down too. This goes for many things, such as walking talking and turning towards someone who addresses you. Walking slower not only makes you seem more calm and confident, it will also make you feel less stressed. If someone addresses you, don’t snap your neck in their direction, turn it a bit more slowly instead.
Positive head
- Keep your head up. Keep your head up straight and your eyes towards the horizon, or towards the people in the conversation. It will make you appear self assured and authoritative. People will take you seriously. Don’t look at the ground. You’ll come across as insecure and a bit lost.
- To stimulate good feelings, smile. A genuine smile not only stimulates your own sense of well-being, it also tells those around you that you are approachable, cooperative, and trustworthy. It also adds warmth and an aura of confidence.
- Have eye contact, but don’t stare. When you look at other person, you show interest. If there are several people you are talking to, give them all some eye contact to create a better connection and see if they are listening. Too much eye contact is disturbing and too little shows your insecurity.
- Nod when people are talking. This indicates that you are listening. But take care not to overdo it.
Positive arms and hands
- Use your hands confidently., Use your hands to describe something or add weight to a point you are trying to make. Too much hand movement will distract the person from what you are saying on the other hand, keeping your hands fixed at your side will make you look nervous and robotic.
- Don’t cross your arms or legs – You have probably already heard you shouldn’t cross your arms as it might make you seem defensive or guarded. This goes for your legs too. Keep your arms and legs open. The most offensive position is resting one leg or ankle on top of your other knee. It is the sign of arrogance and ‘I don’t care’
Taking up space for sitting or standing with your legs apart a bit signals self-confidence and that you are comfortable.
Be observant
- Watch the body language of others, as they may be communicating to you through their body language. People are much more likely to engage you in future conversations if you observe and act on their body language cues..