Multiple Intelligence Checklist
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In this assessment there are some statements to see what attitudes and interests you have. There will be three circles in front of each statement to put a tick mark on your opinion from less to more.
- There are NO ‘right’ or ‘wrong’ answers because everyone has right to his own views. To be able to get the best advice from your results, you need to answer them exactly and truly.
- Try not to fall back in middle answers except when the answer at either end is really ‘impossible’ for you.
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- Not categorized 0%
- Bodily Kinesthetic Intelligence 0%
- Interpersonal Intelligence 0%
- Intrapersonal Intelligence 0%
- Linguistic Intelligence 0%
- Logical Mathematical Intelligence 0%
- Musical Intelligence 0%
- Naturalistic Intelligence 0%
- Visual-Spatial Intelligence 0%
A high score in a category shows the high level of intelligence in that specific area. To know more about these types of intelligence click on the following link or if you prefer reading, description is given below :
A person can be intelligent in eight different areas which are as follows :
*Linguistic Intelligence
The core features of Linguistic intelligence include the ability to use words effectively for reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Linguistic skill is important for providing explanations, descriptions, and expressiveness.
Possible careers: Lawyer, editor, interpreter/ translator, journalist, playwright, poet, public relations, reporter, teacher, historian, librarian*Logical-Mathematical Intelligence
Logical-mathematical intelligence involves skill in calculations as well as logical reasoning and problem solving. People strong in this intelligence are usually described as being “smart”. Logical-mathematical intelligence is required for multistep, complex problem solving and mental math.
Possible careers: Accountant, analyst, investment broker, lawyer, chemist, pharmacist, physician, computer programmer, engineer, inventor, researcher, city planner*Musical Intelligence
Musical intelligence includes sensitivity to pitch, rhythm, timbre, and the emotional aspects of sound, as pertaining to the functional areas of musical apprecia¬tion, singing, and playing an instrument.
Possible careers: Composer, music teacher, recording technician, singer, sound engineer, musical performer, music critic*Kinesthetic Intelligence
Kinesthetic intelligence highlights the ability to use one’s body in highly skilled ways for both expressive (e.g., dance, acting) and goal-directed activities (e.g., athletics, working with one’s hands).
Possible careers: Dancer, coach, athlete, actor/actress, carpenter, magician, mechanic, physiologist, physician, architect*Spatial Intelligence
Spatial intelligence includes the ability to perceive the visual world accurately and to perform transformations and modifications on one’s initial perceptions via mental imagery.
Possible careers: Photographer, graphic designer, advertiser, architect, artist, carpenter, cartographer, dentist, engineer, interior designer, mechanic, navigator, pilot, sailor*Naturalist Intelligence
A person strong in the Naturalist intelligence displays empathy, recognition, and understanding for living and natural things (e.g., plants, animals, geology).
Possible careers: Botanist, chef, environmentalist, landscape artist, navigator, sailor, veterinarian, astronomer, meteorologist, zoologist*Intrapersonal Intelligence
Intrapersonal ability emphasizes self-knowledge, and interpersonal involves understanding other people.
Possible careers: Entrepreneur, consultant, counselor, psychologist or psychiatrist, researcher, writer, trainer, motivational speaker, philosopher*Interpersonal Intelligence
Interpersonal intelligence also plays a vital function in a person’s sense of well-being. It promotes success in managing relationships with other people.
Possible careers: Teacher, therapist, travel agent, child care worker, coach, manager, mediator, nurse, physician, public relations, salesperson
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- Answered
- Review
Question 1 of 80
1. Question
I enjoy learning new words and do so easily.
* less true more true
Question 2 of 80
2. Question
I enjoy listening to the spoken word (e.g. stories, radio plays, talking books, etc.)
* less true more true
Question 3 of 80
3. Question
I enjoy telling stories and jokes, and telling others about things that have happened.
* less true more true
Question 4 of 80
4. Question
Subjects like English, Social Studies (Humanities), and History are easier for me than Maths and Science.
* less true more true
Question 5 of 80
5. Question
I pride myself on having a large vocabulary.
* less true more true
Question 6 of 80
6. Question
I talk a lot and enjoy telling stories.
* less true more true
Question 7 of 80
7. Question
I am good at using words to get others change their mind.
* less true more true
Question 8 of 80
8. Question
I write well and enjoy putting thoughts on paper or computer.
* less true more true
Question 9 of 80
9. Question
I can remember names, places, dates, stories and rhymes easily.
* less true more true
Question 10 of 80
10. Question
I can speak more than one language effectively or I can learn new language easily.
* less true more true
Question 11 of 80
11. Question
I am good at quickly computing maths problems in my head.
* less true more true
Question 12 of 80
12. Question
I enjoy playing games like chess, Chinese checkers or similar games of strategy.
* less true more true
Question 13 of 80
13. Question
My conversation includes frequent references to things that I’ve heard or read.
* less true more true
Question 14 of 80
14. Question
It is fun for me to work with numbers and data.
* less true more true
Question 15 of 80
15. Question
Math and science has always been one of my favorite classes.
* less true more true
Question 16 of 80
16. Question
I like finding logical flaws in things that people say and do at home and at work.
* less true more true
Question 17 of 80
17. Question
I can easily identify, categorize and classify objects, information and ideas.
* less true more true
Question 18 of 80
18. Question
I like to use variety of thinking skills to figure things out.
* less true more true
Question 19 of 80
19. Question
I clearly see cause and effect relationship.
* less true more true
Question 20 of 80
20. Question
I always give logical explanation of things believe.
* less true more true
Question 21 of 80
21. Question
I prefer to watch movies, slides or other visual presentations rather than listen to information and read about it.
* less true more true
Question 22 of 80
22. Question
I enjoy doing jigsaws, mazes, jigsaw puzzle, Rubik’s cube, or other similar visual puzzles and activities.
* less true more true
Question 23 of 80
23. Question
I prefer looking at reading material that is heavily illustrated and/or colourful than reading material which has no illustrations or color or only a few illustrations.
* less true more true
Question 24 of 80
24. Question
I do not get lost easily and can orient myself with either maps or landmarks.
* less true more true
Question 25 of 80
25. Question
My ability to draw is recognized and complimented by others.
* less true more true
Question 26 of 80
26. Question
My ability to draw is recognized and complimented by others.
* less true more true
Question 27 of 80
27. Question
I can easily duplicate color, form, shading, and texture in my work.
* less true more true
Question 28 of 80
28. Question
I am good at reading maps and finding my way around unfamiliar places.
* less true more true
Question 29 of 80
29. Question
I can visualize things clearly in my mind.
* less true more true
Question 30 of 80
30. Question
I use pictures, flow-charts, visual maps, Venn diagrams to learn new material.
* less true more true
Question 31 of 80
31. Question
I enjoy working with clay, or papier mache, or fingerpainting, or mixing dough with my hands when cooking.
* less true more true
Question 32 of 80
32. Question
I have good balance and eye-hand coordination and enjoy sports which use a ball.
* less true more true
Question 33 of 80
33. Question
I am good at activities like: sewing, cutting things out, making models, drawing, or painting.
* less true more true
Question 34 of 80
34. Question
My outstanding coordination and balance let me excel in high-speed activities.
* less true more true
Question 35 of 80
35. Question
I like to doodle or draw on worksheets, workbooks, or other materials.
* less true more true
Question 36 of 80
36. Question
I enjoy running, jumping, wrestling, or similar physical activities.
* less true more true
Question 37 of 80
37. Question
I enjoy “daredevil” amusement rides, bungee jumping, rock climbing, white water rafting, jet boat rides, water skiing, or similar thrilling physical experiences.
* less true more true
Question 38 of 80
38. Question
I have good skills in one or more sports and learn new sports quickly.
* less true more true
Question 39 of 80
39. Question
I find it difficult to sit still for long periods – I tend to need to fidget, tap something, or fiddle with a small object like a pencil or eraser.
* less true more true
Question 40 of 80
40. Question
I often get excellent ideas when I’m out walking, jogging, mowing the lawn, or when I engaged in some other physical activity.
* less true more true
Question 41 of 80
41. Question
I have a good singing voice. I can sing in tune.
* less true more true
Question 42 of 80
42. Question
I take pride in my musical accomplishments.
* less true more true
Question 43 of 80
43. Question
I often hum or sing to myself or tap out rhythms with my hands or something I am holding (like a pencil or pen).
* less true more true
Question 44 of 80
44. Question
I know the tunes to many different songs and musical pieces.
* less true more true
Question 45 of 80
45. Question
I can easily tell when a musical note is off-key.
* less true more true
Question 46 of 80
46. Question
If I hear a musical selection once or twice, I am usually able to sing it back fairly accurately.
* less true more true
Question 47 of 80
47. Question
I have wide and varied musical interests including both classical and contemporary.
* less true more true
Question 48 of 80
48. Question
I have a very good sense of pitch, tempo, and rhythm.
* less true more true
Question 49 of 80
49. Question
My music education began when I was younger and still continues today.
* less true more true
Question 50 of 80
50. Question
I am good at playing an instrument and singing.
* less true more true
Question 51 of 80
51. Question
I adopt and adjust to changing circumstances. I am flexible.
* less true more true
Question 52 of 80
52. Question
I have no difficulty in not going with the crowd.
* less true more true
Question 53 of 80
53. Question
I am quick to sense in others dishonesty and desire to control me.
* less true more true
Question 54 of 80
54. Question
I feel like people of all ages like me.
* less true more true
Question 55 of 80
55. Question
I am kind of a person others come to for advice.
* less true more true
Question 56 of 80
56. Question
I like going to parties and other social events.
* less true more true
Question 57 of 80
57. Question
I am a good listener and good at seeing another person’s point of view.
* less true more true
Question 58 of 80
58. Question
I prefer team activities or sports (like soccer, basketball, etc) to solo activities or sports (like swimming, tennis, taekwondo, etc.).
* less true more true
Question 59 of 80
59. Question
I enjoy teaching my peers how to do things.
* less true more true
Question 60 of 80
60. Question
I am concerned about how others feel.
* less true more true
Question 61 of 80
61. Question
I often look for weaknesses in myself that I see in others.
* less true more true
Question 62 of 80
62. Question
I enjoy my own company: I enjoy studying or playing by myself for long periods.
* less true more true
Question 63 of 80
63. Question
I am NOT much concerned about fashion or what is ‘in’.
* less true more true
Question 64 of 80
64. Question
I cope well with setbacks, and I quickly “bounce back”.
* less true more true
Question 65 of 80
65. Question
I tend to set goals for myself which I often think about and take seriously.
* less true more true
Question 66 of 80
66. Question
I respond to all people enthusiastically, free of bias or prejudice.
* less true more true
Question 67 of 80
67. Question
I often think about the problems in my community, state, and/or world and what I can do to help rectify any of them.
* less true more true
Question 68 of 80
68. Question
I enjoy being alone and thinking about my life and myself.
* less true more true
Question 69 of 80
69. Question
I am comfortable with my individuality, regardless of peer pressure. My friends can’t easily convince me to do things I don’t want to do.
* less true more true
Question 70 of 80
70. Question
I prefer to work independently. I am self-directed.
* less true more true
Question 71 of 80
71. Question
The world of plants and animals is important to me.
* less true more true
Question 72 of 80
72. Question
I enjoy my pets.
* less true more true
Question 73 of 80
73. Question
I enjoy caring for my house plants.
* less true more true
Question 74 of 80
74. Question
I enjoy hiking in natural places.
* less true more true
Question 75 of 80
75. Question
I love being outdoors and enjoy spending my time in parks or gardens.
* less true more true
Question 76 of 80
76. Question
I enjoy watching nature shows on television like The Discovery Channel, National Geographic Channel and Animal Planet etc.
* less true more true
Question 77 of 80
77. Question
It is fun to watch birds or other animals, to watch their habitats and to learn more about them.
* less true more true
Question 78 of 80
78. Question
I enjoy visiting zoos, natural museums or other places where the world is studied.
* less true more true
Question 79 of 80
79. Question
I would like to become a volunteer in an ecological organization to help save nature from further destruction.
* less true more true
Question 80 of 80
80. Question
I am very interested in television shows, videos, books or objects from or about nature, science or animals.
* less true more true