What is Psychometric Testing ?
Psychometric tests help to identify a candidate’s skills, knowledge and personality. They are objective, convenient and strong indicators of individual’s hidden qualities and skills.
What are psychometric tests used for ?
Psychometric testing is a fact of life in many situations and at different levels. They are used for:
- Career guidance
- To identify training and developmental needs.
- To provide information for use in coaching, such as helping an individual understand their strengths and development areas in order to facilitate personal learning and growth.
- To assess and develop future talent and leadership potential.
- To profile individuals and teams to assist team selection and development, such as self-awareness, team communication, reward system, job satisfaction etc.
What are psychometric tests we administer?
Psychometric Career Selection Test
Career decision making is a very crucial and important step of a person’s life. Parents and teachers want the best for the child, however often the choice is made based on what ‘others’ are doing or saying and not on who the child is or can be. This will include:
- Differential Aptitude test : An aptitude test is is designed to predict the test-taker’s future success. Rather than testing knowledge, aptitude tests are designed to test innate skills and the capacity for learning and acquiring new skills.
- Interest Profile : Career interest profile designed to help the person discover what jobs he /she would find most interesting, and suggests a number of options that will enable him / her to do what he / she love.
- Personality Test : Personality Test is a self-report assessment instrument that measures the 14 primary personality dimensions. It is a highly effective tool that gives a complete picture by measuring personality in both the professional and personal spheres.
Psychometric Test for Engineering Students
Job placement is a very crucial and important step of a person’s life. With today’s highly competitive environment, placement process has become very complicated. Every student has the right to understand his/her unique potentials, so s/he can develop himself/herself for the interview before the process starts. For that we assess them through following tests:
- Engineering Aptitude test : An aptitude test is designed to predict the test-takers’ future success. Rather than testing knowledge, aptitude tests are designed to test innate skills and the capacity for learning and acquiring new skills. In this test seven sub-tests have been considered essential for engineering education – Classification, Analogies, Numerical, Pictorial reasoning, Space relations, Engineering and Science
Scientific Aptitude test : This test contains 4 subtests – Reasoning, Numerical ability, Science information, Science vocabulary.
- Interest Profile : Career interest profile designed to help the person discover what jobs he /she would find most interesting, and suggests a number of options that will enable him / her to do what he / she love.
- Personality Test : Personality Test is a self-report assessment instrument that measures the 16 primary personality dimensions. It is a highly effective tool that gives a complete picture by measuring personality in both the professional and personal spheres.
Psychometric Test for Management Students
Job placement is a very crucial and important step of a person’s life. With today’s highly competitive environment, placement process has become very complicated. Every student has the right to understand his/her unique potentials, so s/he can develop himself/herself for the interview before the process starts. For that we assess them through following tests:
- Comprehensive battery of scale of entrepreneurship: It measures entrepreneurship qualities through 6 subtests – self-perception of entrepreneurial traits, organizational ability and management skills, personality maturity, executive reaction pattern, human relations and human engineering.
Entrepreneurial Talent Scale: It measures entrepreneurial talents/ dispositions through 7 sub-scale risk taking, achievement motivation, leadership, self-concept, capability for persuasion, attitude towards entrepreneurs and problem solving.
- Interest Profile : Career interest profile designed to help the person discover what jobs he /she would find most interesting, and suggests a number of options that will enable him / her to do what he / she love.
- Personality Test : Personality Test is a self-report assessment instrument that measures the 16 primary personality dimensions. It is a highly effective tool that gives a complete picture by measuring personality in both the professional and personal spheres.
Psychometric Test for Organizations
School Environment Inventory : It is designed to measure psycho-social climate of schools as perceived by pupils in 6 dimensions – creative stimulation, cognitive encouragement, permissiveness, acceptance, rejection and control.
Teacher Freezing Scale : It is related with teaching competency, teacher’s effectiveness, change proneness and teacher’s innovativeness.
Teacher’s Job Stressors Scale : It measures 6 job stressors –overload, role conflict, powerlessness, role ambiguity, lack of motivation frail interpersonal relationship .
Organizational Health Description Questionnaire (Educational) : It has 3 dimensions 1. Task – which includes goal, focus, communication, adequacy, optimal power utilization 2. Maintenance needs – which includes resource utilization, cohesiveness and morale components 3. Growth and changeableness – which includes innovation, autonomy, adaptation and problem solving.
Organizational Climate Inventory : It measures organizational climate in 11 areas – performance standards, communication flow, reward system, responsibility, conflict resolution, organizational structure, motivation level, decision making process, support system, warmth and identification of problems.
Leadership effectiveness Scale: It measures leader’s characteristics in 6 areas –interpersonal relations, intellectual operations, behavioral and emotional stability, ethical and moral strength, adequacy of communication, operations as citizens.
Team effectiveness Scale: It is successfully used for screening out individuals who have low team orientation and are likely to have inhibiting influence on the performance of team. Three factors – dependability, cooperation and sharing are identified.
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