Keep your child safe from violence


My mom once yelled at me and said that If I continued to be a misbehaved child , I could not be her son. I broke the TV set, the windows in the drawing room and set fire to my books. I have never spoken to her after that.

A plot from a film ? Not on your life !

It’s closer to your life than you are dare to imagine. And it is wholly up to us as parents, teacher and adults, to check it before it gets worse.

An epidemiological study conducted by the Indian Council for Medical Research quoted in the world health report released by WHO says 12% of children in India below 16 years have behavioural problems.

Psychologists have been observing aggression in children as a regular pattern of growing up for many decades. But now not only are there more aggressive youngsters but this anger is being manifested in violent, at times ruthless behaviour. Normal functional family children are learning to shout at and abuse their peers, even parents and teachers or hit people on impulse as forms of everyday communication.

This anger in children should be handled as a ticking bomb and violent children need immediate psychological first aid.

Get involved

Be alert to sudden, unexplained behavioural changes like

  • A disinclination to study
  • Frequent burst of temper
  • Unreasonable irritability or frustration
  • An absorbing interest in violent computer games/ video games/ films
  • A pattern of challenging discipline at home and in school
  • The development of a cruel streak displayed in the merciless teasing of younger siblings, children, pets or helpless strays and
  • When ‘leave me alone’ becomes a constant refrain.

How you can help

  1. Make a habit to talk to your child regularly; let it be a two-way process. Listen attentively and sensitively.
  2. Make it point to know his ‘group’; make sure that his friends are the right kind.
  3. Attend PTA meetings to keep track of your child’s behaviour in the school.
  4. Clearly define the parameters of acceptable behaviour. Things like hitting, yelling, shouting should not be accepted at any cost.
  5. Teach your child to handle conflict himself. Help him to think of non-violence solution on his own.
  6. Ensure that the child gets some time for physical activity regularly.
  7. Avoid violent computer games/ video games/ films.


A little concern, vigilance and a lot of affection are our weapons against the danger of violence, which can make a child’s world much happier and safer.





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